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LOUDER THAN LOVE: The Voices of a Generation

LOUDER THAN LOVE: The Voices of a Generation

  • Fri 9 Aug, 7:00 PM
  • Coolangatta, QLD

Some things just refuse to fade. The ripped jeans, the flannel shirts, the raw emotion pouring from every power chord – the era of grunge carved its mark on a generation, and its echoes still reverberate through the speakers of our souls. Now, prepar...

LOUDER THAN LOVE: The Voices of a Generation

Some things just refuse to fade. The ripped jeans, the flannel shirts, the raw emotion pouring from every power chord – the era of grunge carved its mark on a generation, and its echoes still reverberate through the speakers of our sou...

Fri 9 Aug, 7:00 PM

Marine Parade, Coolangatta QLD 4225